mr Monopoly


____*V 1.01*____
- All separate player objects are now in an array.
- Added loops for array functionality. In theory infinite number of players possible now.
Just change the players variable as you can see above.
In the future I will add along with the form input check some limitations to this.
- Forgot to show cost on station images fixed 2, another 2 to go.

____*V 1.02*____
- Fixed tabindex of the players2 page.
- Changed some if else structures for assigning variables to the ternary conditional operator.
- Menu height now depends on page height.
- Created some better images for choosing number of players and added mouse overs.
- Now checking form input for bad html and other tags.
- After redirect for bad form input the form now remembers the previous input.
- A player was able to by refreshing the page paying multiple times for staying on someone else's street.
- Added 6 'KANS' cards more will follow soon.
- Added a very simple winner screen (not for the 1 player mode).

____*V 1.03*____
- Fixed the bug that when passing start you couldn't do anything like buying or picking a 'kans' card.
- Money is checked for bankruptcy after every payment now so no refresh is required to show someone is bankrupt.
- You can't buy anymore when you don't have enough money.
- Added another 6 'KANS' cards.
- Added 10 'FONDS' cards maybe I wil add 3 more (when I have time).
- Restyled Kans and Fonds display.
- Moved all pictures to a specific directory.
- Created better pions.
- Created a radioButton fucntion in players2.php for repeation.
- Entering the same name twice or more causes some problems so this isn't possible anymore.

____*V 1.04*____
- Now when you click on a street a pop up alert will apear with some information.
- Rent price now doubles when the owner has the full street.
- Added popUps for stations as well.
- Rent price for the staions now doubles when the owner has multiple other stations so:
1station = 2500;
2stations = 5000;
3stations = 10000;
4stations = 20000;
- Fixed lot of bugs off the doubling system, it's now working properly.
- Fullstreet check is now being done directly after a buyer bought a street so no extra refresh is needed for doubling cost.
- 2 pick a fonds card where positioned wrong, now placed them on the good place.
- Fixed two small bug.
- Added a trade option.
- Added some pictures.
- Added some more fancie buttons
- Added better menu buttons
- Added changelog page
- Added contact page
- Added Welcome page
- Menu is now Fixed to screen top left corner
- Fixed a few small bugs
- Contact form is now functional and when you forgot to input text in a required field it's highlighted red.
- Fixed some dutch grammer such as '1 andere stationonen'.
- Added nuts company's.
- Removed all w3 validator errors.
- Person now goes to jail when it's pos == 30.
- Added a thank you page for sending a message.
- Fixed some issues with jail and throwing double.
- Fixed some mail issues and switched to a non hotmail email addres, hotmail was blocking everything.
- Worked a little on the build functionality will finish this soon.
- Trade and build buttons don't dissapear anymore when you can't use them, instead they are disabled.
- Worked on build funcion still not finished.
You can build al buildings on one street and sometimes comments say house instead of hotel.

____*V 1.05*____
- Build function is now fully functional.
You can only built when neigbour streets have more or the same amount of houses etc.
- You can't trade a street when it has buildings on it, will add a break-building-down function soon.
- Added the shortcut key "ALT + J" for "Ja" in buildmode.
So when you build you can use "ALT + J" instead of the "JA" button.
- Also added the shortcut key "ALT + G" for "Gooi", "gooi" when you are in jail and "Ja" when you are in buyscreen.
This results in realy fast testing because you only have to use "ALT + G" most of the time.
- Now when you throw double three times in a row you go to jail.
- You could trade a street while its neigbours still had buildings on it. Fixed this.
- Added a sell house function. You can sell houses for the same price you bought them.
- Fixed some small bugs for jail and build functionallity.
- You couldn't build at school, some IE problems whit a image form with value. Now I use a hidden field instead.

____*V 1.06*____
- Cleaned board.php, tradescreen, buildscreen and breakdownscreen are now in seperate php files.
- Added a "hypotheek" function and fixed street pop up when the street is "gehypotheekt".
- Added a "Handleiding" (manual) page.
- The contact form is now stripping html and other code tags as well.
- Added a street table pop up with all streets and onwners in it. It has some cool js code for closing.
Maybe I wil add this for the normal street pop ups as wel (instead of alerts).
- When a player throwed double en went bankrupt, a empty player object was created in place of the player. Now fixed
- Added Start and Jail pictures.
- When I was messing around with somethings I removed the width attribute form the menu css class, this caused the board
to move somtimes(not very often about 1/100 times), now I moved it back again.

© 2010 *Tom de Goede* & *David van der Giessen*